First 500: Aegis by RL Arenz III

Welcome to the First 500: Aegis Edition, where we at Vraeyda Literary share the First 500 Words of our published works, and tell you more about them.

Below is the first 500 words of RL Arenz III’s Superhero Sci-Fi novel Aegis, currently on sale at the Vraeyda Store and wherever novels are sold.

Lake Gem
I: Skipping

Thursday, April 25, 2024
10:02 a.m.

Newnans Lake used to be public access. Once the surrounding private property, conservation zones, and protected forests were purchased, Jim Stevens went to work. Lake cleanup removed alligators. Through the creation of miniscule dams, the flow of water was measured and chemically corrected in order to create and sustain the artificial oasis. The largest aspect of renovating a natural body of water was removal of centuries’ accumulation of sediment. Mr Stevens refused to feel daunted by his chosen task. With the same stubbornness that built his company, he mustered on until the lake flowed with the pristine blue waters of a paradise.

After the hardships encountered in purifying the newly christened Lake Gem, which played to the crystalline aspects of water and homophone of Jim, the surrounding areas purchased were fenced in with a ten foot tall stone wall. From his company, Mr Stevens promoted a handful of foreman into the dual role of initially managing the construction of the perimeter wall and new homes before they transitioned into onsite security guards.

Jonathan Ross was one such foreman.

He and his family moved to the eastern side of the lake, to an alcove cul de sac permitted the blue collar workers to be part of the lavish, extravagant lifestyle of corporate aristocracy. As far as management was concerned, the workers’ seclusion in a dead end was an additional perk. Less chance of normal traffic making the necessary turns to arrive in that segment of the community.

Dead enders. Blue collar families located in the Turn Alcove were situated at the dead end of streets to ensure their segregation from the affluential citizens. The nickname grew in use with the younger generation.

Dead Enders became the name the kids from ‘The Turn Alcove’ were called in their community’s school, which that morning, several Dead Enders were skipping.

Bare back seared as he lay upon the pristine sands of the shore. Infantile waves lapped at the sands. Cotton candy clouds diluted the sunshine to a comfortably warm glow. Tan arm lay draped over Kyle’s face as the sounds of Sandy and Clay splashing in knee deep water echoed. Sage sat nearby building a detailed sandcastle. Three males without anything in common except for the lone, young woman. Sandra.

Sand cascaded down Kyle’s back as he sat up. Sandra and Clay wrestled out of the sparkling water with a wet thump upon the bank, before rolling. Sage let out a holler as his castle masterpiece was reduced to sprayed sand, before being pulled into the fray. Elaborately sighing, Kyle shook his head adamant even as Sandra grabbed his calf. Without initial intention, all four became wrapped into the frenzied wrestling across the shore.

“You cheater!” Kyle kicked from beneath Clay, who laid several powerful blows across his face with clenched fist. One such kick knocked Clay backwards onto his rear where he laughed loudly, the tangles of black curls plastered to his dark complected forehead. Finally disentangled, Sage stood and marched down the sandy shore. Dark mutterings followed in his wake. Sand fell from Sandra as she stood, ragged cut jean shorts showing the flawless legs of a cross country runner.

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